Goddess Games 2024

Goddess Games 2024 is open for registration!

When: Saturday, July 20, 2024

Where:  CrossFit 77, 159 Raceway Drive, Mooresville, NC 28117

Time: TBD

Goddess Games has always strived to be an open and inclusive event. We’re so touched and honored that many athletes make their competitive debut at Goddess Games and we’ve loved seeing the familiar faces over our 10 year history. There is a division for everyone. This year we will offer four (4) divisions for teams:

Movement Standards for Divisions

  • Athena – Snatch 95#, Deadlift 155#, Clean and Shoulder to Overhead 105#, Handstand Push Ups, Toes to Bar, Pull Ups, Wall Balls 20#, Box Jump 24″, Double Unders, Sandbag 100#, Dumbbell 50/35 – Snatch, Thruster, Devils Press, Clean & Jerk

  • Diana – Snatch 65#, Deadlift 105#, Clean and Shoulder to Overhead 75#, Hand Release Push Ups, Hanging Knee Raises, Jumping Pull Ups, Wall Balls 14#, Box Step Up 20″, Single Unders, Sandbag 75#, Dumbbell 25# – Snatch, Thruster, Devils Press, Clean & Jerk

  • Hera – (For those 40 years of age and older by the end of 2024) Snatch 85#, Deadlift 125#, Clean and Shoulder to Overhead 85#, Handstand Push Ups, Toes to Bar or Knee Raise options, Pull Ups or Jumping Pull Ups options, Wall Balls 14#, Box Jump or Step Ups 20″, Double Unders or Single Unders option, Sandbag 75#, Dumbbell 35 – Snatch, Thruster, Devils Press, Clean & Jerk

  • Calypso – Dumbbell 20# for Snatch, Thruster, Devils Press, Clean & Shoulder to Overhead, Toes to Rig, Russian Kettlebell Swings, Wall Balls 10#, Box Step Ups 20″, Single Unders, D-Balls 50#, Barbell Thrusters and Front Squats (weight to be determined by the athlete)

This is not an all inclusive list, but will give you and idea of the movements.

**If your team registers for a division and changes your mind after the workouts are published, you have until June 10th to contact us and change your division.**

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